CRM system for freight forwarders and transport and logistics departments
and logisticians up to 83%
- Reduces the human factor by up to 99%.
- Helps to process applications 2 times faster.
- Automates processes that affect profit growth up to 38%.

for 7 days
a demo
7 years
on the market
Offices in 3
The software
is used in 18 countries
Work with all types of transport and grouped goods

The program is adapted for work in 11 countries











Full automation of all processes in your company in just 14 days

if you need to:
Debug business processes
The data is downloaded automatically, no need to re-enter or scan documents
Fast service increases customer loyalty and expands your customer base
The success of your business no longer depends on human mistakes

Find freight for transport
The software is integrated with transport exchanges, but is not designed to find goods
The program is user-friendly, intuitive and easy to use
Caring technical support will teach you and implement the software in your business in 14 days

Benefits of 4logist software
All data is stored in one place
Remote access to the software
Security and safety of data
Different levels of access to the program for each employee
Multicurrency invoicing
Monthly free updates
Automatic generation of documents by individual templates
Personal account where customers can download documents, track cargo and leave requests
Work with any transport and multimodal transport
Integration with 1C and modification of the software to the specifics of your accounting
Customer reviews
See what logisticians, freight forwarders and directors of transportation and forwarding companies think about working with us
Мы пришли к 4logist, когда поняли, что бессистемность в документах не дает нам качественно выстраивать общение с клиентами.
Клиентов становилось все больше, а данные все время нужно было искать. Создание и отправка документов занимала большую часть рабочего дня. Был постоянная привязка к компьютеру с невозможностью работать удаленно. А также, что немаловажно для руководителя, было сложно видеть реальную картину бизнеса из-за неточных отчетов.
С появление 4logist, мы стали грамотно выстраивать процессы, высвободилось время для поиска новых клиентов, наладилось взаимодействие сотрудников и компании, а также, мы смогли увеличить прибыль в 2 раза.
Основной задачей было автоматизировать определенные процессы в работе экспедиторов и бухгалтеров
Сейчас никто уже и не может работать без 4logist, потому что с ним все быстро и эффективно. Плюс, когда в прошлом году работа перешла в удаленку и многие работали из дома, мы смогли также продолжить работу без остановок уже удаленно.
Спасибо 4logist за то, что дали нам возможность автоматизировать наши бизнес процессы и отдельное спасибо, что с вашей помощью мы реализовали блок для отдела продаж и теперь можем отслеживать всех “теплых” клиентов и анализировать их потребности в транспорте.
Раньше мы работали стандартно с помощью excel таблицы и документов word. Это было крайне неудобно и занимало очень много времени.
После внедрения 4logist, мы увидели, что 30% времени освободилось и мы можем тратить их на поиск и работу с новыми клиентами. Очень удобно, что программа автоматически создает любые документы, подтягивает информацию по заказам и заказчикам.
Еще хочется отметить, что 4logist настраивает функционал программы под нужды конкретного пользователя, что нам очень понравилось и было необходимо.
Я рекомендую всем, кто задействован в сфере грузоперевозок программу 4logist.
Facilitates the work and increases the efficiency of each employee
Increase profits by 10%-30%
You get an advantage over your competitors: quick execution of orders without errors, convenient personal accounts for clients, where they can track the status of their order
Reducing the workload of logisticians and freight forwarders by up to 80%
Automatic generation of documents in 1 click and full transparency of your staff
Further advantages over competitors
Customers may track the status of their orders from a private account on the website. Quickly and conveniently
Set credit limits
Regulate the level of payments and receivables
Control your employees’ work remotely
Request a report or control a task anytime, anywhere
All company work statistics in 1 click
Control managers’ work, credit limits, payments and orders statuses. Get all the data you need for strategic planning in 1 click
Protect your data
Customize the level of access to the database for each employee, making it impossible to download your database and get access to private data
Reduce order processing time by 30-50%
There is no need to scan or fill out paperwork repeatedly.
Make fewer mistakes and avoid VAT mishaps
Data is inserted into documents using approved templates
Documents are automatically sent to the accounting system
Keep busy and don’t waste time on routine work
Purchase orders for transport exchanges using one button
Respond faster than competitors to offers
Commercial offers for clients
Are formed within the system and can be sent directly to their email
Customer notifications on cargo status
May be sent instantly to email or WhatsApp from within the software.
Automatic generation of documents
Save precious time and eliminate mistakes in documents
Work remotely
Check order processing or reply to the customer anytime, anywhere
Process your documents quickly
They are correctly executed, there is no need to return for reworking them
Generate reports in 1 click
There is no need to waste time reviewing debits and credits and checking for errors.
Documents are sent to the accounting automatically
No need to search for employees or demand documents
No routine
The data automatically gets to 1C or your accounting software, you don’t need to enter it manually
Send your billing to a logistician
A manager issues invoices with a single button, all you have to do is check the VAT rate
Caring technical support will help implementing the software within just 2 weeks
A personal manager will help you set up your database and teach you how to use the software

Database transfer
Transfers the entire database, even if you’ve kept it in different sources, and loads it into the system

Answers to questions
Answers all your questions about the software and templates via popular communication channels

Customizing the software
Customizes the software for your company and adjusts document templates

Teaches you how to work with the software and connects you to the knowledge base in video and text format

We guarantee that the implementation will take no more than 14 days or we will return your money

Sign up for a free presentation of the program
Thanks to
cloud technology:

Work remotely from anywhere in a single system
Automatically generate reports and monitor the work of the company and managers
Your data is securely protected
Data is stored in a special data center. Where it is protected from hacking, possible fires, power surges, losses and disruptions
Backup storage on Amazon servers. Which is one of the largest commercial cloud solutions providers
Total data privacy. Information is transmitted via secure https protocol, which guarantees data privacy. SSL/TLS cryptographic protocols are responsible for information security. They encrypt data and keep it safe

You can restore your database at any time from the last 30 days
Every day at 24:00, we create a full copy of your database and store it in a separate backup system for 30 days
If necessary, we restore your database of any of the last 30 days
Thanks to the access rights settings no one except you can access your database
Always up-to-date version of the software

Client’s personal account frees you from routine
Customers can now:

You will only need to redirect the request to the exchanger
2. Track order status
3. Leave comments
Communicate with clients without leaving the system
All documents are attached to the order
These are the results our customers achieve with 4logist

Месяцев активной работы в программе
Раза выросло количество клиентов
Ускорилось время оформления заявок

“НГ Транс”
Месяцев активной работы в программе
Раза выросло количество клиентов
Ускорилось время оформления заявок
Do you want to get the same results?
The 4logist software is already used by more than 400 companies in 18 countries